


國際著名影星 張曼玉女士接受了聯合國兒童基金會(UNICEF)的任命,成為聯合國兒童基金會中國大使,透過其知名度和影響力,與聯合國兒童基金會改善中國貧困兒童生活。


    On 29 April 2010, (left-right) UNICEF Representative in China Yin Yin Nwe and newly appointed UNICEF Goodwill (China) Ambassador Maggie Cheung hold a certificate formalizing Ms. Cheungs appointment, at a ceremony in Beijing, the capital. I have long respected the work of UNICEF in different parts of the world, said Ms. Cheung. I am greatly honoured by this new role as a spokesperson and advocate for the most vulnerable children in China, and looking forward to helping to improve public awareness on critical issues facing children. In April 2010 in China, acclaimed international actress and newly appointed UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador (China) Maggie Cheung visited children and women affected by HIV/AIDS in Ruili City, in the south-western province of Yunnan. Although China has relatively low rates of HIV infection, the risk of transmission is significantly higher in parts of Yunnan Province, which borders major opium producing regions in neighbouring countries. HIV prevalence is 0.1 per cent nationally, but rises to 20 per cent among intravenous drug users in Yunnan. The disease remains highly stigmatized and poorly understood by much of the population, factors that could accelerate the spread of the epidemic, particularly among the rural poor, migrants, sex workers and injecting drug users. On 29 April, Ms. Cheung was appointed a UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador to advocate on behalf of vulnerable children, including those affected by HIV/AIDS and disability. Her visit to Yunnan aimed to raise awareness of HIV/AIDS and to mitigate stigma associated with the disease. By the end of 2007, an estimated 700,000 Chinese were HIV-positive.
    UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador Maggie Cheung gives a teddy bear and notebook to a girl who is HIV-positive, in Ruili City, Yunnan Province. The teddy bear and notebook display the UNICEF logo. In April 2010 in China, acclaimed international actress and newly appointed UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador (China) Maggie Cheung visited children and women affected by HIV/AIDS in Ruili City, in the south-western province of Yunnan. Although China has relatively low rates of HIV infection, the risk of transmission is significantly higher in parts of Yunnan Province, which borders major opium producing regions in neighbouring countries. HIV prevalence is 0.1 per cent nationally, but rises to 20 per cent among intravenous drug users in Yunnan. The disease remains highly stigmatized and poorly understood by much of the population, factors that could accelerate the spread of the epidemic, particularly among the rural poor, migrants, sex workers and injecting drug users. On 29 April, Ms. Cheung was appointed a UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador to advocate on behalf of vulnerable children, including those affected by HIV/AIDS and disability. Her visit to Yunnan aimed to raise awareness of HIV/AIDS and to mitigate stigma associated with the disease. By the end of 2007, an estimated 700,000 Chinese were HIV-positive.

張曼玉女士近日與聯合國兒童基金會駐華代表 魏英瑛博士(Dr. Yin Yin Nwe)一同前往雲南探望了受愛滋病影響的兒童和社區。作為新任的聯合國兒童基金會中國大使, 張曼玉女士親身瞭解了愛滋病對兒童所造成的不利影響,同時也看到了聯合國兒童基金會與政府部門在當地開展愛滋病預防與關懷專案所取得的顯著成效。



          UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador Maggie Cheung gives a teddy bear and notebook to a girl who is HIV-positive, in Ruili City, Yunnan Province. The teddy bear and notebook display the UNICEF logo. In April 2010 in China, acclaimed international actress and newly appointed UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador (China) Maggie Cheung visited children and women affected by HIV/AIDS in Ruili City, in the south-western province of Yunnan. Although China has relatively low rates of HIV infection, the risk of transmission is significantly higher in parts of Yunnan Province, which borders major opium producing regions in neighbouring countries. HIV prevalence is 0.1 per cent nationally, but rises to 20 per cent among intravenous drug users in Yunnan. The disease remains highly stigmatized and poorly understood by much of the population, factors that could accelerate the spread of the epidemic, particularly among the rural poor, migrants, sex workers and injecting drug users. On 29 April, Ms. Cheung was appointed a UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador to advocate on behalf of vulnerable children, including those affected by HIV/AIDS and disability. Her visit to Yunnan aimed to raise awareness of HIV/AIDS and to mitigate stigma associated with the disease. By the end of 2007, an estimated 700,000 Chinese were HIV-positive.
      UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador Maggie Cheung drips water onto adolescents during a ceremony in Ruili City, Yunnan Province. The adolescents are ambassadors for UNICEFs Unite for Children, Unite against AIDS campaign; they share information about HIV/AIDS in their communities and support children affected by the disease. The spraying of water is a local custom that expresses good wishes. In April 2010 in China, acclaimed international actress and newly appointed UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador (China) Maggie Cheung visited children and women affected by HIV/AIDS in Ruili City, in the south-western province of Yunnan. Although China has relatively low rates of HIV infection, the risk of transmission is significantly higher in parts of Yunnan Province, which borders major opium producing regions in neighbouring countries. HIV prevalence is 0.1 per cent nationally, but rises to 20 per cent among intravenous drug users in Yunnan. The disease remains highly stigmatized and poorly understood by much of the population, factors that could accelerate the spread of the epidemic, particularly among the rural poor, migrants, sex workers and injecting drug users. On 29 April, Ms. Cheung was appointed a UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador to advocate on behalf of vulnerable children, including those affected by HIV/AIDS and disability. Her visit to Yunnan aimed to raise awareness of HIV/AIDS and to mitigate stigma associated with the disease. By the end of 2007, an estimated 700,000 Chinese were HIV-positive.

聯合國兒童基金會駐中國辦事處希望在 張曼玉女士的宣導下,公眾能夠更加關注兒童權利問題,例如:支持與關懷受愛滋病影響的兒童;幫助流動兒童和留守兒童;為殘疾兒童提供支援等方面。
