The most powerful way to communicate with a donor or potential donor is in-person contact. Face-to-Face fundraising campaign demonstrates the power via cost-effective results and direct communications. The conversations that fundraisers have with members of the public aim to move and inspire potential donors to make a commitment to give an agreed amount on a regular basis, usually monthly, to UNICEF HK.
A significant number of supporters participated and become “Friends of UNICEF” monthly donors through the campaign since its inception in September 2009. Reflecting on the 10th anniversary milestone, we are reviewing the campaign to look for new and better ways to engage our supporters.

Face-to-Face fundraising is used by over 20 UNICEF National Committees and by a number of Country offices around the world, including Demark, Finland, Indonesia, Thailand, Philippines, and United Kingdom, etc. The number is growing quickly as more proven results are shown and tests are carried out. In recognition of the value of the technique to pledge growth for UNICEF cost effectively, UNICEF has retained a Face-to-Face Fundraising Specialist to support the increase in activity worldwide. Every year, the Fundraising Specialist will come over to supervise and monitor progress made by our Fundraising Ambassadors. Moreover, guidelines and toolkits are developed by UNICEF to ensure that they represent UNICEF appropriately and help us run the campaign successfully.
When we compare the cost of the different methods to recruit new donors, this campaign has proven to be very inexpensive and efficient. All fundraising initiatives have costs as it takes money to raise money. As a trustworthy and large organization we always need to keep the cost as low as possible. We find that recruiting pledge donors on the street could create a large and reliable source of new income for UNICEF with low cost. Moreover, the hundreds, even thousands of conversations held each day by our Fundraising Ambassadors could further improve awareness of UNICEF and help spread the message of helping the deprived children in the world.